Introduction to GIS

Course Syllabus »

This site contains information describing the course expectations, logistics, and weekly readings available through Google Drive. The following sections explain: (1) how to set up your Google Drive shared folder where you will place your weekly labs and homework, (2) how to extract and organize the data necessary for your weekly homework, (3) how to contribute maps to our weekly slide critiques and (4) elaborate on the goals and expectations of your final project. When in doubt check the syllabus or email me directly.

All of your work for this class will be uploaded to a shared Google Drive folder rather than using a Moodle dropbox. This should address any upload issues you have experienced in the past using Moodle and makes it easier for me to comment on your shared documents. Please follow these instructions to create and share your Google Drive folder with me.

Your homework should be uploaded to your shared folder by midnight on the day it is due and weekly labs should be uploaded prior to the start of lab on Wednesday (by 1:30PM). Please see the syllabus regarding my late work policy.

You have weekly readings and homework assignments from the Getting to Know ArcGIS (you can download the data here). These primarily serve to give you mileage with the interface and to break down the common fear that you can break the software. You need to spend time exploring, clicking and right-clicking within the interface to develop a comfortab level where you stop thinking about the interface and focus more on the analyses. These exercises typically lead you through the questions and operations step-by-step, however you will likely encounter some issues. Don't hesitate to reach out with questions but if you find yourself spending more than 10-15 minutes on a single question, move on to the next question (if you can); the point of these exercises is mileage not to encourage frustration.

You can also download a 180-day trial version of the software here. You will need to enter the EVA code in the back of your textbook to gain access and install on your personal computer.

Please review these guidelines as a reminder for how I would like your homework assignments named and shared.

In the weeks before you start working on your service-learning projects, I want you to add a map (static or interactive) to a shared Google presentation that we will explore each Friday. So add your map prior to the start of class each Friday. My hope is that you will share maps you stumble upon over the course of each week (rather than just Googling ‘maps’ and sharing an image).

Please go here each week to add any maps you find to the Google slide deck. If you find an interactive map you would like to share, please take a screenshot and include a link to the online map.

During the last 4-5 weeks of the semester your will select a community-partner to work with addressing a problem or need that integrates GIS. The goal of this project is to analyze an issue or create a maps to inform their decision making process or stakeholders. Please read these guidelines, which elaborate on the format and expectations of these projects. You will be working with professionals in a variety of fields and disciplines and I have high expectations for the quality of your interactions and final products.

Topic Assigned Reading(s) Reading Links Lab Guidelines Lab Data
Week 1 Components of a GIS & Map Design Lopez "An Intimate Geography" PDF DOC ZIP
Week 2 Spatial Data Elements & Formats DOC ZIP
Week 3 Map Projections & Coordinate Systems Map Projections PDF DOC ZIP
Week 4 Map Projections & Coordinate Systems DOC
Week 5 Boolean Analysis in ArcGIS Using the Raster Calculator PDF DOC ZIP
Week 6 Terrain & Distance Analyses Terrain Analyses PDF DOC ZIP
Week 7 Data Management & Metadata
Week 8 Spring Break
Week 9 Proximity & Viewshed Analyses Viewshed Analysis
Week 10 Spatial Interpolation Spatial Interpolation PDF
Week 11 In-Class Projects
Week 12 In-Class Projects